Monday, 11 March 2013

Do not Forget to March

March is one of the most significant months in South Africa. It is a month of defiance, a month of selflessness most of all a month to honour and celebrate the martyred. On the 21st March 1960 our people under the leadership of the Pan African Congress challenged the status quo by handing in the dompases, the march led to a blood bath which to this day the actual number of people that were killed by the askaris cannot be verified. This was dubbed the Sharpeville massacre and subsequently the day as Heroes day.

The day is significant because beyond everything else it displays the will of our people to move as a collective. It also instils in us the living the need for sacrifice which in my vocabulary sacrifice is giving up something of high value for something of even greater value. What is greater than life? When you give your life away for the cause of the collective what do you gain? This is a question I cannot be able to answer today nor in a century to come. I simply scribble to acknowledge and give praise to the unknown. Honour the fallen and forgotten.

It is indeed amazing how we as a society are selective in celebrating our heroes. We embrace what media endorses; we are not free to remember whomever we will, whenever we will. Our perceptions are policed and channelled in accordance to required ends. We are not even aware that such is occurring; we wallow willingly in this quagmire with the outmost contentment.


Those that lost their lives so that we gain ours would be honoured if we could start being radical in our thinking. They would be pleased by us being modest and carry on the torch for the absolute liberation of our beings. They would at least smile in whatever form they are in by seeing young people living meaningful lives that displays totally the commitment to vision of our people. They would be humbled by our being Valliant warriors who roar for change.


As you enjoys the crumbs of capitalism and spoils of post 94 be mindful of the sacrifices of those gone by do not squander their blood as if it were mere swine that was slayed. Do not be a neo colonialist and oppress your own by introducing self-serving laws. The fight is not yet over because the current scuffle is not a fight against a race but a war against certain principalities that fail the efforts of our heroes. I would love one day to author a truimphant story of the present generation.


This March, do not be afraid to think outside the dictates of society. This March, do not be timid. This March take on the spirit of 1960. This March, remember your heroes. This March, forget party loyalty and embrace Truthism. This March, begin a journey to the everlasting books life. This March, do not only speak of greatness be about greatness. This March.
Yahkeem ben Israel

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