"...You cannot be concious of yourself and remain in bondage..."
-Bantu Biko
I write what I like.
This great African scholar and organic philosopher gave us blueprint to total freedom. It begins with one identifying and being able to define self according to ones mode of thinking. Before any nation, organisation, or individual can step up and wage a successful and sustainable war they need to first study themselves. It is essential that they know who and what they represent. You need to know your former state of being to discernthat your current situation is oppressive.
To know yourself means being aware of your role, worth your relationship with yourself, your people, your land and ultimately the entire creation. On the contrary you can entertain self-destruction, be a plague to the land and creation being void of self you would except a base level of existenceas your highest standard. As long as you do not know that the intention of creating cuffs and chains was to ensnare and enslave you, you will spend the greater timeof your life in persuit of bigger, better, and beautiful looking shackles. Consider Ngugi's dissertation:
"The domination of apeople's language by the languages of the colonizing nations was crucial to the domination of the mental universe of the colonized...
The colonial child wasmade to see the world and where he stands in it as seen and define by or reflected in the culture of the language of imposition."
-Ngugi Wa Thiong`o
Decolonizing the Mind pp16,17
Your enemy wants you to look at him with trembling fear. He conquers your mindso that you defeat yourself before entering in the ring. If you can understand language as a concept travels beyond spoken sounds, it has to do with dietary principles, manner of dress, general practices, ritualistic rites, conduct,e.t.c. It encompasses every aspect of life. If it is your enemy who shapes your mind, influence your dress code, prepares your meals, sets the standards of moral behavior, then we might have a problem! If he plays an instrumental role in the develoment of your faculties of thought(education) then he has to ensure that the student is not greater than the master by manipulative means. If he influences your dress code he will give you circus gowns and take away all the majestic raiments that defined your essence. Most definatley the adversarial chef has to feed you meals relative to his thoghts and feelings about you and when you fully comprehend this all the dietary rooted diseases tht run rampant on the face of the earth become lucid. It is not in his best intrest to give you life sustaining food. He fractures your moralvalues and priciples and the leaves yoiu sucseptible to anything. You become stranger to your kind and not relate to every done under the banner of your authentic self. You wiil be found at all places except your own, playing all kinds of roles except your own.
"... in order to subjugate a people you must cut them off from their strength or that which makes them superior."
-Ben Ammi
Yeshua the Hebrew Messiah or Jesus the Cristian Christ? P 41
The Holy father puts it into perspective, surely now you can comprehend why was it imperative for your oppressors to tell you your history as they want you to know it? When you page mostly of the so-called African history as we were told begins with the khoi-san and Jan vanrebeeick.who coming fom the conventional educationdesigned to keep the mind captive can speak authorative aboiut the time prior the arrival of other races? Who can tell a purely, and uniquely unadultered African story? Who is the black man? I know everytime someone begins to talk about the love of his own or reveals his zeal of uncovering and tracing the true origins of his people "evolutionists" are quick toto accusse him of racism and discrimination(while in their closets they keep accurate family trees).
Every thing attained if it's not informed by authentic self is not true freedom. True freedom does not begin with uncuffing the chainedbut the tied must know why they want to be freed?what their program/agenda when uncuffed? It is useless to be unchained physically but youryour mind bares a haviest yoke that make you eternally grope in the shadow of of enslavement.
Life and living is of any people is enhanced or worsened by their own perceptions of themselves; so if I would stand in the steadof advising our people Iwould tell them in their quest for freedom they must not concentrate much on the superficial enviroment but the inner, who are you? If you can anwer that then freeing your self is a walk in the park. The question is imperative because smetimes the oppression is self –engeneered (what then?!)if you do not know or not honest you will have misplaced anger and subsequently never healed... FINDING YOURSELF IS FINDING YOUR WAY!!!
By: Yah-keem Ben Israel
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